01, May, 2001
Issue 5.01.01
Read the Hypergirl Exclusive interview with Judy the lead vocalist for
Read the review of D R C's live performance at Aurora an Electronic Music Event produced by Powerhouse Productions
Jagged Doctrine has just released thier new CD "It's a Jagged World" see the review by Carey Jarvis
The King of Vibe has Spoken!
The King of Vibe visited "Makin a Scene" and has the Low down on how each of these DJ's perform LIVE! Check out the reviews on
BY: Dj Hyde, the King of Vibe
Hold your breath!
Make a wish!
Count to three!
It's review time!
Pre-party happenings: Figment and I wake up at about Noon, get lunch, and pack everything we needed (camera, candy, cds), and I borrow $ from Figment because Commerce ATMs are broke. Oh well. We leave Columbia around 3pm, because we wanted to help set up! So we arrive at the venue around 5pm,
All hail to the DJ God!
and from the back it looks like an old abandoned warehouse. We think "Sweet!!" But we find out it has an old indoor soccer field inside, and thats where the party was to take place. We were literally the first people there. The karate guys were still on the soccer field doing their karate thing when we
arrived. =o) Soon the lighting guys showed up, and after that, all of our friends showed up! So we help do various odd jobs until they opened the doors around 9.45 or so, moving couches, going to Wal Mart to get transmitters and wrist bands (they didn't have any), setting up the chill room, etc. Setting up was very fun, I am thankful for getting the opporitunity.
DJ Pharyz
First was DJ Phrayz, I believe it was he who dropped
that track that's in the very beginning of Groove when everyone is on the internet typing stuff out, I really like that song. I think he did a good job, even though he didn't think so.
This was the first time I had ever seen Adam_Louis spin, and he was apparently spinning with a broken wrist. I think Adam did a good job, though he played a slower house than I would've expected from him. I did enjoy the Daft Punk song and the song towards the end that was really disco sounding with vocals (not the daft Punk song). But yeah, the Vibe was definately stirred by his set, if not fully awakened.
Rob Lee
Then came Rob Lee. "TRANCE!!!" Hehe, this guy is super nice, and he dropped some pretty good, harder type trance. No huggy progressive stuff, it was trance to make you wanna dance! And I did, when I was in there. Good good stuff. I didn't recognize anything, save the underworld track
he dropped, but it was still good. The Vibe was awake by now.
Along walked The Birthday boy, Mr. Foster. The vibe was definately alive by now, and peaking. All the people were dancing to the acid sounds of Foster.
I noticed that almost everyone in the venue was dancing. There were like 4 people sitting down along the walls, that's it. It was awesome. I enjoyed watching Foster just as much as I enjoyed dancing to him and hearing him spin. He played some stuff I had heard him play before, and he mixed flawlessly. He was constantly turning knows and flippin switches and
changing records, this boy is insane! Great track selection, and way to move a crowd, man!
Then it was Bodaleg, who kept the Vibe going another hour. everyone was still up and dancing as Bodaleg dropped track after track of edgy hard house, including some of the favorites, as well as some new stuff. Bodaleg rocked it and definately kept the crowd jumpin and left them thirsty for more. Way to keep the Vibe alive, man! I feel that I must note that I'm fairly certain that every set was recorded on Saturday. I don't know what's going on with that, but hopefully I can get my hands on that set of Foster's! And of everyone else's!
On Came Nitro, with his Fork records T Shirt, his crate of funky house flavor, and his mad Sideshow bob hair. He was amazing tonight! Kept the Vibe going! I couldn't stop dancing! Played both Mirrorball remixes ( my legs almost died!) and was scratching like a fiend on that white vinyl track...it was great, he'd scratch it, spin around, scratch some more. I heard I missed some behind the back
scratching too...damn! That's always fun to see. What I found odd was that his set started out kinda techy, and took awhile to get into the funky house grooves that I'm so accustomed to hearing. I don't think I heard him spin his "ancient chinese secret" record, but he still rocked the house. He probably played his new songs, but I don't know what they sound like, so I couldn't tell yah.
Danny Ward - Nice, deep house. Perfect way to end the evening. The remaining
people (about 12) were all sitting/laying down on the floor for his set,
which I thought was pretty funny, so I joined them on the floor. Great
stuff, this man really knows how to work a mixer. Nice for winding down at
the end of the night when the realization is kicking in that you have a test
tomorrow and a paper due Friday. =o)
Lights: The lights were pretty cool. There were a lot of box lights and intelligent lighting, really simple, low-tech stuff, but who really needs the big stuff, anyway? There also was a projector behind the DJ playing a winamp plugins program, which was pretty cool, and a slide projector hitting one of the walls with all sorts of random slides (A golden Buddha, a black
cat, someone's family, lots of cool lights with tracers, fireworks, etc). So lighting was cool, I appreciated the effort that was put into that aspect of this party very much, as I appreciated all the effort put into all aspects of this party.
The sound was good! When we saw the size of the speakers (there were 4 I think), I didn't think that there would be enough sound, but those sound people really know what they're doing. The sound was perfect, not loud enough to break the windows, and also not loud enough so that your ears rang for 2 days after the party. Also, there were no sound cutouts at all, all night long. It was beautiful
Probably one of the better vibes I had felt, much like I had expected. About 400 kids showed up to party with us, and they made it the event it was. There was no attitude whatsoever. Everyone was there for the right reasons, to hear music, and to dance until dawn. There were a lot of college folks there trying to get into it as well, trying to imitate raver dance steps, etc, and I actually like to see stuff like that. So yes, the people and the Vibe were awesome. I was surrounded by friends, surrounded by love. I spent probably the majority of my night just sitting down outside talking to people, and meeting some too! It was a wonderful break to take when your feet hurt.
There were a bunch of cops that were there because the KC police
department gave the Rolla police a call and told them of the evils of raves,
etc. So they were required to be there, but they were friendly, and there
were no problems. They were actually impressed at how well this night went
off, and wouldn't be opposed to the KMNR boys throwing another one! The
scene has been established!

Review by: Dj Hyde
01 MAY 2001
ISSUE 5.01.01